Tradcast: The Traditional Roman Catholic Podcast




TRADCAST EXPRESS - Episode 177 Topics covered: The synodal church of Francis, the conciliar church of Paul VI, and the Catholic Church of Pope Pius XII. Links: Antipope Francis, Address at Opening of Synodal Assembly, (Oct. 9, 2021) Robert Morrison, "Now That Francis Has Created Congar’s 'Different Church,' Can We Stop Calling it Catholic?", The Remnant (Sep. 4, 2023) Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Mystici Corporis (1943) Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Humani Generis (1950) Vatican II, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium (1964) Joseph Ratzinger, "The Ecclesiology of the Constitution on the Church, Vatican II, 'Lumen Gentium'", Osservatore Romano (Sep. 19, 2001) Antipope Francis, Address to Ecumenical Delegation of the Lutheran Church of Finland, (Jan. 17, 2020) "Paul VI to Lay Leaders in 1966: Transform Yourselves 'into the Image of the Conciliar Church'!", Novus Ordo Wire (Apr. 18, 2022) Robert Morrison, "An Enemy Has Done This: Globalism, the Conciliar Church, and Crippled Consciences", The Rem