Real Trends: Real Trending

Side’s Guy Gal on trends in the team business model



Today’s RealTrending features Side Real Estate co-founder Guy Gal. Side is expanding quickly despite the market headwinds. Gal discusses the future of teams, how team business models are changing,  the trends he’s seeing with boutique models and what his company is doing to move the industry forward. Enjoy the episode!This episode is sponsored by Keeping Current Matters. Keeping Current Matters makes it easy to be the market expert so you can spend more time on what matters most: your clients. Check them out here.RealTrending features the brightest minds in real estate. Twice a month, brokerage leaders, top agents, team leaders, and industry experts share their success secrets, trends, and lessons learned navigating this ever-changing industry. Hosted by Tracey Velt and produced by Elissa Branch.