Kay & Olu: Vision Guided Life

Exposing the Dark Side of Media: Assumptions, Presumptions, and Prejudice (Part Two)



Media Manipulation (Part Two): The elements of manipulation involve tools to deceive the masses. The media constantly injects misinformation and division.This relies on our conditioning for it to work.Three things we need to be aware of:Assumption,Presumption, &Prejudice.It is time to watch and pray! Matthew 26:41: "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."About Kay and Olu Taiwo Identical twins, Kay and Olu Taiwo are international speakers, ministers, consultants, featured authors, and licensed Pharmacists. With over 20 years of speaking experience, their ministry has impacted audiences in the Ukraine, Nigeria, England, Philippines, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Canada, and across the United States of America. They conduct Vision, Identity, & Purpose (VIP) Seminars. They are blazing a trail around the world in the mobile app industry and are reaching thousands of people by promoting biblical literacy through mobile technology.------------------