Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

Why Do I Push Men Away?



During September's Chat with Crystal, Angela calls in. She shares that as a coach herself, helping guide people to awaken their spiritual wholeness, she is struggling with feeling a little like an imposter. Although she's so energetically high and healed in so many areas of her life, she struggles with this "push and pull" dynamic with her partner of 20 years. Although he's supportive of her spiritual path, he's not on his own, and she often finds herself feeling a little irritated with him, although she loves him and wants to stay in the relationship. As she and Crystal chat, Angela shares that she often holds men at a distance and tends to push them away--something she's done her whole life--and knows that this is something she's doing with her partner. She and Crystal dive into this feeling deeper to identify why she might have trouble letting men in and try a process to begin to push past this. Angela shares her ah-ha moment, and Crystal leaves her with some homework to try. This is a call about vulnera