Mind Matters

Mixed-Neurotype Relationships



What are some common issues that crop up in relationships between people of different neurotypes? Are neurodivergent people more drawn to each other than to neuro-normies? Is effective communication more challenging between neurodivergent couples? What about intimacy and affection challenges between people with different sensory sensitivities? Laurie Budlong-Morse is a therapist who specializes in helping neurodiverse couples, and she talks with Emily Kircher-Morris about mixed-neurotype relationships, on this episode of the Neurodiversity Podcast. Sign up for our free week-long Crash Course on Creating Neurodiversity-Affirming Schools! It happens the week of September 18th, and all of the events in the course will be live and interactive, so you can talk to Emily and our expert guests, as well as your colleagues from around the world. It’s a chance to learn and share ideas that will better position your classroom and school to meet the needs of all learners. Also, we’ll be launching a membership community fo