Breaking Bread Podcast

Gender Part 2: Three Lenses through which We View Gender Dysphoria.



On divisive cultural topics like gender identity, sometimes we miss each other. Talking past each other. Unable to relate or understand with one another. To help with this understanding, Brian Sutter presents three lenses that capture three different “starting points” for the persuasions we hold. Show Notes: Mark Yarhouse in his book "Understanding Gender Dysphoria” presents three lenses through which we view the gender identity debate. By understanding these lenses, we will understand our persuasions and the persuasions of others better. Integrity Lens: “There is right and wrong in the world.” ·       Intent – The view of gender being created by God as either male or female. ·       Strength – This lens focuses on identifying what scripture says and holding closely to it. It fights for truth, right belief, and holy living by proclaiming truth even when it is contrary to culture. ·       Weakness – This lens can be cold, unloving, and judgmental. It can forget that sincere individuals can struggle with the