Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

21. How To Move From GUILT To GRATITUDE - Podcast



This week I want to look at those guilty feelings, that mis-spent energy that is affecting your current and future success, and we’re going to come up strategies for dealing with it so that we can move forward to a place of gratitude. Guilt comes in three forms; guilt for the things that we’ve done in the past, guilt for our current position and guilt for our potential future circumstance. When we’re looking at guilt in the past, remember we've all made mistakes. The things I got wrong in the past were the best I could do at the time, I wasn’t out to hurt people deliberately. So how do we move on from that guilt? You find someone that trusts and loves you unconditionally, and you talk it through. They will forgive you - then it’s time that you forgive yourself. Guilt in our current situation is why we hide away our success, we shield others from how well we’re doing, and it’s a misspent guilt. You are completely limiting your potential if you have those feelings around your potential success. It’s your duty a