Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

22. Take back CONTROL in your salon business



I want you to take back some of the control in your business. There’s been a real buzz word around business – which is outsourcing. I’m not suggesting that you do absolutely everything in your business, there are times when you need to outsource, but there are elements of our business that we’re handing over too readily and we need to start taking back some things into the fold. Websites: Have enough knowledge and understanding to be able to update your website yourself. Once you have that knowledge you can make an informed decision if it’s something you will carry on doing yourself, or if it’s something you can hand over to someone else. Social media: Updates I see done by the professionals don't quite ring true; it feels a little bit phoney. Take your social media back, learn to master it, learn to schedule. Design: You are spending a lot of money on design. In my Salon our prices increase in September and with that I need to send the new prices to my Graphic Designer for the next twelve months. He’ll also