Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

34. Slow down and honour your craft



Hello and welcome, actually this week it’s Hola y bienvenido because I’m speaking to you today, very early in the morning before it gets too hot, on my roof terrace in my new house in Spain. This week my message to you is that I’d like you to slow down, take a bit more time. I’ve seen a very distressing trend in Salons over the last few years and we’re getting addicted to express services, we’re getting addicted to these little nuggets of service that we’re passing onto clients at a very low cost, and banging them out at a very rapid rate. Now I’m not suggesting that we get rid of all express services, they are what I see as a profit maximizer, so they’re an add-on; they’re a filling for those little gaps that you get during your day in your column. They shouldn’t be something that we rely on day in and day out and this is what’s happening. So I want you to ask yourself when you’re doing an express service, is this the very best job that you could do for that client? If she’s having an express service, have y