Divi Chat

Announcement: Time to Recharge Our Batteries – Divi Chat Hiatus



We are taking our own advice! If you caught the previous episode, you know we all believe in the importance of taking a break. The many panel members who have been a part of Divi Chat have been sharing advice, tips, and lessons learned for almost 7 years. (‼️) All of the panelists participate voluntarily and are all running their own business (or multiple businesses!) in addition to hanging out with you virtually for an hour or so each week. The current panelists (Sarah, Tim, Steph, Mike, and Eric) have collectively agreed that we could benefit from a little break. We aren't leaving for good, just taking a hiatus to recharge our batteries and re-energize ourselves to be able to best serve the WordPress community we all love so much. In fact, we have some exciting things planned for our return, so stay tuned! The post Announcement: Time to Recharge Our Batteries – Divi Chat Hiatus appeared first on Divi Chat.