Community Solutions Podcast

Episode 291- End The Met


Synopsis Just about everyone agrees that the Met Council is way too powerful. They threaten cities with litigation if they don't fall into line. So what glorious ideas are both Republicans and Democrats agreeing upon to fix this problem? Dismantle their authority? Of course not! We're going to elect them! People don't know who their county commissioner or park district representative is, and yet they will make an educated decision regarding their Met Council rep? Both parties in our legislature are making excuses as to why they can't strip the Met Council of its power over our counties and cities. There is little political will to make significant reforms over just changing the window dressings. The legislature is rushing this through, wanting some elections as early as 2024. Who will be ready to run? Only the people they are already grooming. We also discuss a recent meeting one of us attended in a room full of lefties regarding John Marty's bill for single payer healthcare in MN. It's