Beyond Shakespeare

284: Discussing: John Fletcher's Roman Plays



It's time for a discussion of John Fletcher's Roman plays, with Domenico Lovascio, Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Genoa, who has written two books in this area. John Fletcher's Rome and a new edition of The False One, a play by Fletcher and Massinger. They are both excellent texts - and I wasn't paid to say that, though I did get freebies for this episode so I might be biased. Both books are available via the below links. Manchester University Press have a mailing list, and if you join that, there are discounts available I believe. Domenico Lovascio is Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Genoa, and he is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He is the author of John Fletcher’s Rome: Questioning the Classics for the Revels Plays Companion Library and the editor of Fletcher and Massinger’s The False One for