Mulligan Stew With Terry David Mulligan

EP 270 | Jill Barber Interview and Kelowna Fire Special



Bumped into Russell Broom at EFMF. We talked Art Bergmann and his next album. What brings you here? Says I Playing with Jill Barber. Says Russ And that’s how Jill and I ended up sharing a freshly poured Big Rock and a wonderful interview in the green room. Jill covers thoughts and emotions on her home and Homemaker, her latest album. The complete interview – over a cold beer – starts this two-part Mulligan Stew Podcast. Part 2 is an hour special with winemakers and locals on the fires that raged through the hills of West Kelowna. It ends with a message that they’re “open for business”. Farming is tough enough. To have roads closed during the high tourist season is hard to survive. How can we help? If you’re buying wine soon please buy BC from your favorite winery. It all helps. Speaking of the recent wine country fires, the  interviews we did with locals and winemaking friends  for Tasting Room Radio will be Part Two  of this weeks Mulligan Stew Podcast  Buy Local.  Thank You