The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

011: Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic – David Currie



Paul got knocked off his high horse (maybe). Augustine heard a voice say "take and read." David Currie got a catalog. The Lord moves us to conversion in mysterious ways. If you're thinking "a catalog doesn't seem like the most interesting of manners in which to convert", you're wrong. I love this conversion story. I mean, how many convert stories have you heard where a guy who really, really wants to become Catholic is refused entry? And David Currie is not only the author of some very popular books (e.g. Rapture: The End Time Error That Leaves The Bible Behind and Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic), he is one of the most genuine people I've ever met. This man loves the Catholic faith like few others. You can literally hear it in his voice. So sit back and enjoy the beautiful, heartfelt, often humorous journey of one man (and his family) into the arms of Mother Church. God bless! Matthew “All who have been lost were lost because they did not pray.” St. Alphonsus Liguori. Don't be lost! Grab your FREE c