Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep026



Episode 26: Gary's recording of this episode comes from the hotel in San Francisco, where he's appearing at the Course in Miracles Conference. Approximately 450 attendees are at the conference; and over 40 speakers -- all of whom Gary has worked with before, so it feels like "a reunion" for him! Attendees came from as far away as Macedonia, and mainland China, where DU is officially "banned" by the government there, yet underground versions are now available and being read by many Chinese people. Gary discusses with Gene how he goes about the process of speaking in public, and how it's only with the Holy Spirit's constant guidance (and a certain excerpt from A Course in Miracles) that he is able to feel so comfortable about doing it. Gene and Gary discuss –and very much in line with what Gary speaks of in public– how the undeniably central focus of ACIM is the practice of Forgiveness. Gary then talks a bit about California topics, and while discussing "The Governator", asks G