Mind Matters

Learning How to Learn, Studying How to Study



What does it take to be an effective learner, and how does a neurodivergent person’s experience differ from that of neurotypical people? Which study methods work better for our neurodivergent population? What role does confidence play in the learning process? Finally, we take no joy in breaking some news to people who fancy themselves good multi-taskers. Cinthia Nebel is a Cognitive Psychological Scientist, and she talks with Emily Kircher-Morris about learning and studying, on episode 187. Sign up for our free week-long Crash Course on Creating Neurodiversity-Affirming Schools that Emily talked about in today’s show. It happens the week of September 18th, and all of the events in the course will be live and interactive, so you can talk to Emily, our expert guests, and other attendees. It’s a chance to learn and share info that will better position your classroom and school to meet the needs of all learners.  Also, soon we’ll be launching a community for educators who are dedicated to creating a neurodiversit