Left Of Lansing

53: Episode 51: Gina Keller from Distill Social, and Playing The New Offense



Here's another exciting and informative episode of Michigan's premier progressive podcast! The Christian Nationalism that has overtaken the Michigan Republican Party is trying to take control of the entire state. While Democrats have control of state government for the first time in 40 years, and progressive values have achieved some major victories, right wing Christian Nationalist are taking control of local governments throughout the state. And they are leveling their extreme and dangerous worldview on the people through book bans, defunding of libraries, defunding of local health departments, attacks on public schools and teachers, and by attacking marginalized people. The Christian Nationalist movement is backed by a rich donor base, which wants to divide us just enough so they receive more power and massive tax cuts. But what's worse, is that all of these attacks on marginalized citizens throughout right wing media leads to violence, which is another dangerous aspect of right wing, white Christian Nati