The Art Of Process With Aimee Mann And Ted Leo

Ep. 6 - Rhea Butcher “A Weird Flesh Skeleton (and the Maximum Fun Pledge Drive)”



Ep. 6 - Rhea Butcher “A Weird Flesh Skeleton (and the Maximum Fun Pledge Drive)”   VERY happy to bring you A SPECIAL BONUS EPISODE in what would’ve otherwise been a dark week for us (in the sense that we wouldn’t normally be delivering a podcast because we’re on a bi-weekly schedule, because, I mean… it’s always pretty dark these days… and weeks) with our friend, comedian Rhea Butcher! If you like our dumb intro conversations, then, my friends, you are in for a treat, because this may be our dumbest ever.  It’s mainly about Saltines vs. Rice Crackers. No ads this episode, but we do take a few breaks to talk about the MaxFun annual pledge drive, which kicks off today, Monday, March 18, 2019.  The entire network is largely listener supported, so thusly, we rely on your support.  You can make a one-time donation or become a member with a recurring monthly contribution.  These range from five dollars a month all the way up to two hundred dollars a month, and there are, as you’d imagine, some great gifts for all t