Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

200 Episodes: Lessons, Revelations & Stuff I Still Don't Get + Why Regret is a Myth & Unleashing Is an Inside Job



Can you believe???? My little baby (podcast) is all grown up. When I started this show all I knew was I wanted to use my voice to connect with other people and I really wanted to do that through a podcast AND that I knew repressed creativity was the cause of so much of the world's suffering and I wanted to help people unleash. What I have learned, the community I've gained and the love I've poured into this show and it has poured into me has been so much greater than what I could have anticipated. Through it I have gotten to meet some of the kindest, most talented souls in the world (you,) talk with my heroes and discover and bring myself to the table in a more authentic way than I knew possible. So today we're taking a trip down memory lane - I'm going to share some of my favorite Unleash Lessons and my top takeaways from 200 episodes.  From this, you'll learn:  -Why inspiration is great, but at the end of the day, unleashing is an Inside Job -Why you should never let fear of making a mistake rule you  -Why