Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

The Power of The Late Bloomer w/ Lauren LoGrasso :)



Do you consider yourself a late bloomer? Do you beat yourself up on your journey? Condemning yourself for not moving “Quickly enough?” or taking, “Big enough steps?” Me too. But I think I’m about to stop doing that so much and I have so ideas on how you can too.  Today I want to talk about the power and beauty of being a late bloomer, why it’s okay if you take a little longer to make a move in your life/dreams and how to have more patience and grace for yourself as a creative and human.  Also- this revelation was brought to me by a...fruit tree? YES. You heard that right, honey. It's about to get weird and woo woo in here. Time to unleash. Join me in dropping the charges on yourself, learning to trust and believe in divine timing and how to invest in the art of allowing. Here we go!  **Remember to subscribe/follow to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your pods. If you can, please leave us a rating and review- it really helps increase the show's visibility and get out to more beautiful,