Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

Build Self-Acceptance, Own Your Story & Always Keep Dreaming w/ Olivia Christian



Hi Creative Cutie! Today’s guest is Olivia Christian. She’s an entrepreneur, coach, sports expert/host and author, best known for her work on NPR, ESPN radio, and her acclaimed workshop  “Own Your Story”,  which helps participants find their personal brand story…Through her workshop she’s partnered companies such as LinkedIN, Facebook, indeed, Microsoft and MANY more!I actually met Olivia when I was producing Girlboss Radio--We met literally RIGHT before the lockdown in march 2020! Wild. Back then I was struck by her warmth, authenticity, bubbly personality and kindness. I also love that her life mission has everything to do with figuring out who you are and how to communicate that to the world. From today’s chat you’ll learn:  How to create a personal brand story Why repetition is KEY  How to share a new passion with your audience How to stop yourself from falling into a comparison trap How to deal with the distance between where you are with your dreams and where you want to go   And why if you