Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

Start Your Creative Career at ANY Age, Heal From Trauma & Access Divine Guidance w/ The Renegade Boomer, Tina Lorenz



Hi Creative! Today’s guest is Tina Lorenz. She’s a copywriter, marketing strategist, mindset shifter, coach, and podcaster. She’s known for her appearances on Montell Williams’ podcast, ABC and stages across the world as a speaker. Tina has an incredible story, going from a tough childhood and an abusive relationship, to getting the strength to leave and start her own business from the ground up. She started her copywriting business in her 50s with no prior experience and no big career to that point. Tina generated over four million dollars in sales, with a million-dollar profit in just 30-days, for one of her very first clients. She is PROOF that wild success can come at any age and the power of being in creative flow. From today’s chat you’ll learn: How to heal after trauma & restart your life The power of being a late bloomer The spiritual component of success How to use copyrighting to sell ANYTHING  How to grow and mature a business from the ground up The power of leaning into the feeling