Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

Heal Your Relationships, The Power of I AM + Break Negative Traditions with Yourself



Hi Creative Cutie! Today is just you and me. I missed you! I am doing a solo episode all about relationships...Relationship to self, relationship to others and your relationship to your creativity and your dreams!   Through these topics, you'll learn:   What Self love REALLY is, and some ways to start to achieve it  The Power of the phrase, "I AM"   The Truth about our negative stories  Thoughts on originality   How to break negative traditions within yourself  How to nip issues with others in the bud and STOP worrying How to utilize jealousy productively   How to get negative energy off of you and back to its owner The importance of your own committee  The desert Island trick  The creative magic of walking   Why I want you to start to desire the things you think you shouldn't  And MORE!  -Remember to subscribe/follow the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your pods. Please leave us a rating and review- it helps SO much in getting the show out there. And tell a fri