Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

Mental Health in Romantic Relationships: Conflict, Triggers, Attachment Style & Healing w/ My Boyfriend, Timmy



Hello, creative cutie! As you may know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. So ALL month on the show, I will be bringing you topics and guests that have to do with mental health, in some capacity. My first guest? My gorgeous boyfriend, Timothy Michael Blewitt aka Timmy. Timmy and I are going to talk all about navigating your mental health while in a romantic relationship. The truth is: there are certain things about yourself, certain trigger points and pain you will feel and heal when you come to a romantic relationship authentically...There is healing and growth that could never happen alone, but it can also be challenging and confusing at times. In this episode, we take you through some of how we have navigated our mental health, triggers, anxiety, depression and conflict while we have been in relationship with each other. This episode is a vulnerable one and I hope it helps you feel less alone if you're in a relationship and wondering, "Is this normal?" The answer is yes. Vulnerability and curiosity ca