Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

Body Neutrality: A Healing Tool to Help You Overcome Body Image Issues & Step Into Your Worthiness w/ Jessi Kneeland



TW: Eating Disorders and Body image. Today’s guest is Jessi Kneeland. They are a queer and non-binary writer, speaker, podcaster and body image coach. Jessi started off as a physical trainer-- working with everyone from celebrities to supermodels and they found something interesting -no matter the body type, their clients always thought their bodies were not enough. This led Jessi to dig into their own body image, traumas and past to finally discover what helped them start their healing journey, which is something they call, Body Neutrality.  As someone who has long suffered with a bevy of body image issues including eating disorders, disordered eating and just generally never feeling Like I have the “right” body…I can honestly say I find Jessi's work revolutionary and healing in such a deep way, it’s hard to really put into words. Between their book Body Neutral, which comes out this June (and I highly recommend you pre-order now) and this conversation, I feel like I’m finally on a path to do some deep heal