Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

Creative Coaching: Rebuild Your Life, Self-Love + Find True Consistency w/ Jessa Reed



On The Guest:  Today’s coaching session features Jessa Reed. She is the owner of her own cleaning business which won “The Best of the Mountains Award” in 2020 taking first place for Best Cleaning Service. She also was the first in her immediate family to graduate college with a B.A. in psychology. Jessa has gone through a lot from being a child of divorce and abandonment by a parent to ending an 8-year relationship, to finding love again and then loss again and having to rebuild from square one. Jessa came to me with more questions about life rather than strictly about creativity. The truth is that sometimes we need to answer very basic questions about self-love and self-trust in order to get to a place where we can fully unleash and this conversation and coaching session reflects just that. From this conversation you’ll learn: How to balance your personal life and also being a creative How to drop the charges on yourself & be kinder to yourself The steps to reframing your thoughts  How to get ex