Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

Aliens, Allowing Life + Don’t Get Caught in Your Creative Past & Embracing Silence w/ Lauren :)



Have you ever felt alone?? Well I have good news for you: YOU AREN’T. Hi my creative cutie! I don’t think we need questions at the top here…All we need to say is ALIENS EXIST. I mean?! We are not alone. Today I’m going to be doing a solo episode about: Why finding out aliens are pretty much for sure real made me feel like I could do anything What to do when you get caught in your creative past How to get a mental software upgrade The TOP life and creative lessons I’ve learned since we last talked one on one Oh ALSO! There is a video episode for this! Check it out on Spotify or youtube, if you like Vid! So strap in and get excited for my inner monologue and my dusty mic!! -Remember to subscribe/follow the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your pods. Please leave us a rating and review- it helps SO much in getting the show out there. And tell a friend about the show- podcasts are very personal and tend to be spread person to person. If this show helped you or made you smil