E.w. Conundrum's Troubadours And Raconteurs Podcast

Troubadours and Raconteurs with E.W. Conundrum Demure - Episode 288



I've Been Up All Night Leaning on the Windowsill..." We have archived for your listening pleasure Episode 288 of "Troubadours and Raconteurs with E.W. Conundrum Demure." Episode 288 features a very insightful & intelligent conversation with Vermont Gubernatorial Nominee for the Democratic Party Christine Hallquist. Ms. Hallquist is the first Transgender Nominee for a Governor's seat in U. S. History. We discuss Rural Poverty, Being Transgender and Running for Governor, How Transitioning Has Made Her a Better Leader, Fear & Leadership, Dog Whistle Politics, This Rigged System, the Koch Brothers and Other Oligarchical Despots, Climate Change, Economic Growth Via Renewable Energy, Labels, Hate & Hope on the Campaign Trail, Good People... This episode also includes an EW Essay titled "A Bit Late." We have another wonderfully crafted essay from our Associate Producer and Resident Essayist Dr. Michael Pavese (aka Uncle Cesare) Titled "The World Is Yours Boys." We have a poem called "Ensemble." Our mus