All About Jack: A C.s. Lewis Podcast

NarniaCast Special - Both Parts of The Silver Chair Movie Discussion



Please visit:   As you may have heard, on Monday (10/21) over at I released the first part of a special podcast discussing the news of The Silver Chair being the next Narnia movie. The second part won't release there until the 28th, but you can hear BOTH parts here! That's right....hear the complete 60 minutes of discussion before the last half is available on My guests for this were Dr. Charlie Starr, Dr. Devin Brown, Dr. Bruce Edwards, Dr. Crystal Hurd and Paul Martin. They joined me via Skype on October 14th to chat.  SHOW NOTES/LINKS: C.S. Lewis Review (Dr. Bruce Edwards's Website) Purchase Dr. Edwards's Books: Further Up and Further In Not a Tame Lion Purchase Dr. Brown's Books: Inside Narnia  Inside Prince Caspian Inside The Voyage of the 'Dawn Treader' Visit Dr. Charlie Starr's Website Purchase Light: C.S. Lewis's First and Final Story Listen to an interview with Dr. Starr about Light NarniaFan