Breaking Bread Podcast

Gender Part 1: Gender Expression



Today we are thinking more deeply about gender -maleness and femaleness. To help, Brian Sutter and Craig Stickling share their insights on this important matter. In this episode of Breaking Bread, we discuss biological sex and its outward expression in our gender. Show notes: Terminology is important. The words we use make a difference. Further, the meaning of the terms we use change. It is important we are informed on the definition of terms. Biological sex – The binary sex determination that occurs genetically and is coded by chromosomes. Those who have XX pairing are female and those who have XY pairing are male. Gender identity – How a person categorizes their felt gender experience. Gender dysphoria – The distress a person experiences when their felt gender identity does not match their biological sex assignment. Gender expression – How a person lives out their gender assignment. Gender roles – Expected rules, roles and experiences that we assume on being male or female. We live in a changing world. Ye