Elite Pilot's Academy

Episode 1 - Preflight



In this first episode we look at the settings and controls of Elite Dangerous. Shownotes Before you even enter the cockpit it makes sense to get familiar with the controls of your ship. I will not specifially tell you what buttons to press since they can all be configured. I do however want to help explain some of the less obvious controls to help getting you flying... Go through the options pretty much self explanatory  however the option 'amd crash fix' is no longer needed. It used to remove the planets from the game because they were causing some older amd graphics cards to crash. This has been fixed. so set it to off... Pilot Gender - can only be set before entering the game - but you can change it ;) Before going into details about individual controls I want to mention that Elite Dangerous can be controlled in various ways from your pc. Keyboard only. Go old school and play elite as you remember it from 1984. It IS possible however being a contortionist may be handy! Keyboard and mouse