Stuff You Missed In History Class

The Hawk’s Nest Tunnel Disaster



The Hawk’s Nest Tunnel Disaster involved thousands of workers being exposed to silica dust, and many continued to get sick and die for years after the tunnel was finished. The project was run with total disregard for workers’ lives and safety. Research: Investigation Relating to Health Conditions of Workers Employed in the Construction and Maintenance of Public Utilities : hearings before the United States House Committee on Labor, Seventy-Fourth Congress, second session, on Jan. 16, 17, 20-22, 27-29, Feb. 4, 1936.” Cherniack, Martin G. "Hawks Nest Tunnel Disaster." e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia. 14 March 2023. Web. 08 August 2023. Cherniack, Martin. “The Hawk's Nest Incident: America's Worst Industrial Disaster.” Yale University Press. 1986. Crandall, William “Rick” and Richard E. Crandall. “Revisiting the Hawks Nest Tunnel Incident: Lessons Learned from an American Tragedy.” Journal of Appalachian Studies , Fall 2002, Vol.