Meditations And Visualizations - Yoga With Aria

Lower Chakra Opening Meditation



This meditation was recorded live in my City Yoga class. We begin in a seated position, getting in touch with our breath, lengthening our spine as we feel the tailbone root down and the crown of the head lift up. We explore the nature of our breath, expanding our breath out to the sides of the ribcage and feeling the fullness of our inhale, and feeling the complete feeling of emptiness of our exhale. We place one hand over our heart, and one hand over our belly (or for post natal mamas, second hand on our baby.) We visualize our heart chakra as the petals of a flower, opening up petal by petal. As we use the energy of our heart chakra and visualize the light of the sun, we use the energy of the heart to connect with and stabilize the root, or the base chakra.