Left Of Lansing

51: Episode 50: Mi Right To Read w/ Debbie Mikula of Michigan Libraries Association



Here it is! The 50th episode of Michigan's premier progressive podcast! I love that I've made it to 50 episodes, and I'd love to thank everyone who helped me get this little project off-the-ground. And, I'd love to thank you for listening, and to helping spread the word of this podcast.  In this episode, I put a spotlight on the extreme right-wing Christian Nationalist movement, which is spreading inside the national Republican Party, and especially inside Michigan's Republican Party. This movement scored some wins in local governments, including the far right Ottawa Impact group which is now the majority on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners. And with Donald Trump's fourth indictment this year, I discuss how the Christian Nationalist movement will go to any length to be on the winning side, even if that means resorting to violence.  Part of the Christian Nationalist movement's battle against democracy is by attacking local libraries and librarians, and by banning books. That's been happening in many