B+c Radio

Beats+Crates Radio: First Class



Episode 007: First Class All right we have another episode of Beats+Crates Radio for your ears. Like my man Abraham would say, just like records we have come full circle. Back to the creator of Beats+Crates Radio J1 aka THE DEER with First Class. Yes this is a ticket into his record collection, and there’s no other way than first class. This is the guy who’s digging up the samples from Hip Hop tracks to the undiscovered. Your ears will love you for it. The stars must have been aligned when J1 made this mix. I seen a couple of joints from the Heavy Traffic soundtrack, and I was like no way. I watched Heavy Traffic for the first time a few months ago, and thought to myself, I needed to buy this soundtrack. I don’t want to spoil the goodness, so download J1’s B+C Radio episode First Class here and enjoy. Also be on the look out for Starship 27 Vol. 2: Take Off on Insect Records. BIG BIG thanks J1 for all that you do for Beats+Crates. Playlist: 1. Heavy Traffic Soundtrack – Scarborough Street Fair 2. Faze-O