Those Conspiracy Guys

The Mystery of The Pyramids



On this episode we casually hold our hand over our brow as we inquisitively stare into the glare of the midday sun; searching for an ancient truth in a barren land and uncovering possibly the ultimate mysteries of our creation, our civilisation and the nature of our planet in this episode all about The Mystery of the Pyramids. From the classic pyramid on the Giza plateau in Egypt to the buried pyramids under the lush undulating hills of Bosnia, the wide sprawling once thriving civilisations in deepest South American jungles or the diligently preserved and revered monasteries and holy structures in Asia; the pyramid has endured as a symbol of a time that came before and a way of life for humanity that has been forgotten. These fantastic structures have withstood the test of time; of war, greed, and wanton destruction; only to leave behind a mystery that is almost unfathomable. The clues found in these wonders of the world, are the steps closer we desperately want to take in fully understand where we can from a