Randy Arias Confidence Podcast

5 Proven ways to become more confident



To learn more about me visit: http://www.randyarias.com 1. WHEN IN DOUBT, ACT!- after 100 of studies and interviews, nothing builds confidence like taking action, especially when the action involves risk and failure. I want to be completely honest when I say that it is never going to feel right, when you are in a social setting and you are asked to speak it is never easy. Furthermore, when you feel like raising your hand and speaking up do not let your fears stop you, because it is at that moment that you move one step closer to mastering your emotions. 2. VISUALIZE SUCCESS- when we think of what could go wrong we emotionalize that event and our body follows. You must envision yourself having a great time and being exactly the way you want it to be (only humans can do this). I think back on my experience when I have gone out to night clubs part of my routine before I walk in is to listen to a song that I really like in the car, and while the song is playing I close my eyes and visualize my self having a g