Esl In Ho Chi Minh City

Episode 15 - Life Project



To kindle your creativity as well as make light work of your English learning, we thought of an activity called “Life project”. If you look "life" up in a dictionary, you will find its transcription; “life” ends with a dipthong: the vowel sound /ai/. We would like you to find all possible words ending with this /ai/ sound. Below are our examples classified according to their parts of speech. Noun: light, sight, tight, knight, night, height, fight, flight, sky, line, eye, dice, ice, rice, lice, mice, spy, spice, pie, kite, side, size, nine, five, knife, wife, wine, why, sci-fi, vice, mind, site, guy, bike Pronoun: mine, I Verb: fly, buy, tie, drive, ride, hike, type, write, rise, shine, hide, lie, die, pry, whine, slide, might, find, like, bite, sigh, sign, dive, invite, provide, decide, surprise, design Adjective: my, right, bright, tight, nice, fine, kind, polite, shy, sly, blind, slight, high Adv: quite Prep: behind, by, beside Exclamation: hi After you finish listing all the /ai/ sound ending words, try