Cross & Gavel Audio

147. Christianity & Constitutionalism: Self-Government — Richard Ekins (Summer Series)



Today, we continue our summer series looking into the essays in a brand new volume entitled Christianity and Constitutionalism (Oxford University Press 2023) (PURCHASE HERE). In this episode, we discuss the essay from Ricahrd Ekins looking at the confluence of self-government and the Kingdom of Heaven. Richard is a Professor of Law and Constitutional Government at the University of Oxford. He is co-author of Legislated Rights: Securing Human Rights through Legislation (CUP, 2018) and author of The Nature of Legislative Intent (OUP, 2012). Check out his faculty profile, with a full list of publications, here. The episode was produced by Josh Deng, with music from Vexento. A special thanks to Nick and Ashley Barnett for their contribution in making this podcast possible. Cross & Gavel is a production of CHRISTIAN LEGAL SOCIETY.