Turing School Podcast

Put me in, Coach!



Jesse speaks with Lex Stewart, Career Specialist at Turing about their Turing story, new grad services at Turing, personal branding, making mistakes early, how alumni can support recent grads (and what they shouldn’t do), career coaching, video games, and other topics. This episode marks the 1 year anniversary of the Hello Turing World Podcast relaunch. You can find our new developer series at - https://foregoing-dogwood-6b9.notion.site/Hello-Turing-World-Podcast-New-Developer-Series-e64b2f7e36a946148809a73fe95a8fa0?pvs=4   If you or someone you know are code curious, we encourage you to attend a Turing Try Coding Event. You can register for a Try Coding class at turing.edu/try-coding.