Sticker Stories Podcast

John Clinton Founder of Colorado Cool Apparel Creates Designs That Embody The Spirit Of Colorado



Join us in our latest podcast episode as we host John Clinton, the creative mind behind Colorado Cool Apparel. Born out of passion and a relentless desire to be different, Colorado Cool Apparel is the brainchild of a designer who's always looking to push boundaries and create designs that embody the spirit of Colorado. Growing up in Colorado, John's love for the great outdoors and the state's vibrant culture always found a way into his art. It was this consistent theme in his designs that birthed the idea of Colorado Cool Apparel. From its humble beginnings as a personal project to improve his design skills, it has evolved into a brand that's all about celebrating Colorado's unique lifestyle. Colorado Cool Apparel is more than just a brand - it's a growing community of IG brand ambassadors across Colorado and the globe who resonate with the brand's designs and lifestyle, giving life and meaning to Colorado Cool. The brand is all about its people, those who love Colorado and the lifestyle it promotes. And a