Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

I'm Scared of What People Will Think if I Go for My Dreams



During this episode of Chat with Crystal, Crystal chats with Melody, who, as a student at S.W.A.T., is nervous about starting her 30 practice coaching calls that she needs to complete the program. Melody knows she has this beautiful coaching business idea floating around in her mind that she feels passionate and excited about. Still, Melody says she doesn't understand why she's procrastinating and "freezing." As Crystal and Melody chat, she shares more about her business idea and how she's leaving behind a part of her past that she was very involved with by launching this business. She has anxiety and fear thinking about what people who were a part of that community, people who used to be friends, might say or think about her. Catherine also later joins the call and shares that she has this burning feeling that she wants to do bigger and more fun things with her life, but she feels bored in the mundane of everyday life and doesn't know where to start. If you're considering taking the first step in a new