Taxi Tv

Could Sonic Branding Be Your Next Career Path [with Jeanna Isham][080723]



Do you know what the difference is between a jingle and a Sonic Logo? I'm not entirely sure I do, so let's find out together when I have Jeanna Isham as my guest on this week's TAXI TV! We're also going to find out what Sound Marketing is, and how that's a different animal from Sonic Branding. Truth be told, I'm not sure I can tell you exactly what Sonic Branding actually is! I know, but I know very little compared to Jeanna. She's an expert! And how can you earn income from Sonic Branding? Who are your potential clients, and how do you market your skills to them? How much can you charge? Do you get creative fees or make performance royalties through your PRO? And by the way, what the heck is sound design? I think we might learn something about that as well. But, you've got to join us for this week's TAXI TV, on Monday at 4 pm PDT / 7pm EDT. I think this is going to be a fascinating episode, and who knows, it just might open up a new income stream for you and your talent. It might even create a brand ne