The Marie Forleo Podcast

371 - Snap Out of a Funk & Find Joy in Life Again with Byron Katie’s 4 Questions



Stressed, depressed, or stuck in a negative headspace? You’re 4 questions away from freedom. In this #MarieTV, world-renowned writer and spiritual teacher Bryon Katie shows you how to shut OFF the negative chatter in your mind, turn pain into joy, and make *everything* in life easier. She calls it “The Work,” and it has literally changed my life. If you feel anything less than ease, joy, and peace — listen now and answer Byron Katie’s 4 questions. WHAT’S COVERED IN THIS EPISODE: How Byron Katie healed 10 years of depression [1:25] Why procrastination is actually guilt in disguise [8:40] Byron Katie’s 4 life-changing questions [14:35] When a toilet seat can serve as a spiritual teacher [15:45] The KEY to reducing stress & increasing curiosity and delight [32:24] Where to focus your energy for peace and fulfillment [38:39] Thanks for listening! New episodes drop every Tuesday. Make sure you hit the follow button to get notified.