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LABELS - pt8 - The Persecuted



In “The Persecuted”, Rodney shares that wearing the authentic label of being a Christ follower will naturally invite persecution to all who wear it. The authentic Christian life calls us to come out from among the world, and to live distinctively and recognizably different. The persecuted are not harassed because of crimes against humanity, or sins against God, but is on account of righteousness - doing the right thing. By living the Christian life openly without reservation, it will bring criticism and will cost the disciple of Christ something. Simply proclaiming the gospel, and living out our profession of faith in Christ, and the teachings of scripture invites persecution. When you wear the authentic label of a Christian you will suffer hardship for following Jesus. The closer you are in proximity to Jesus the greater the possibility of persecution, because of your closeness to the target of the worlds scorn and attack. We are not to seek after persecution or attention from persecutors, but we are t