Crafting A Meaningful Life With Mary Crafts-homer

(Ep 286) A Chance Away From A New Life with Kristin Smith



How do you overcome adversity and find your path to healing and thriving? Mary welcomes her guest, Kristen Smith, to discuss their parallel experiences of surviving and thriving after abusive marriages. They emphasize the importance of living in flow and making choices that align with one's personal journey. They address the challenges of leaving an abusive relationship and the fear of financial instability. Kristen shares her journey of healing and finding her purpose, highlighting the power of perseverance and asking for signs along the way. They encourage listeners to embrace their own strengths and seek support from others.   About Kristen: Kristen Smith is a survivor of an abusive marriage and a strong advocate for women who have experienced domestic violence. She is the founder of a non-profit organization that builds homes for women and children escaping abusive situations. Kristen is also a life and business coach, helping others find their purpose and create meaningful lives. Kristen Smith shares he