Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Soul Purpose - Nurturing the Hearts of Those We Care For



Michelle Mason is known for developing and implementing holistic programs that encourage individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease to Relax, Revive, and Rejuvenate. Michelle developed a “Soul Purpose Program” that overcomes the stereotype of the disease process. Individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and families that are going through the process with their loved one are able to “Live in the Moment” through the essence of the ultimate “Spa Day.” Michelle will share with us her amazing program and tell us why she started the it and the needs it fulfills. We will introduce you to her fabulous team of professionals, volunteering their time to make a difference in the lives of those with dementia and their care partners. In addition we talk with some individuals on the receiving end of all this time and talent. Michelle is also working on a project called “Faces of Alzheimer’s within the African-American Community” with photographer Tyrone Watts.  Michelle and Tyrone know we need to raise awareness and in