Sound Women

SWP4: only 20 per cent of radio sounds female



In the wake of Sound Women and Creative Skillset's Women on Air Report, I gathered together Maria Williams, Sound Women's founder, Emma Barnett, host of Sunday Drive on LBC97.3 and Women's Editor of the Daily Telegraph, and Tony Moorey, content director for Absolute Radio. Together they chew over why only one in five radio presenters is female, why you'll rarely hear a female duo on the airwaves, and why you can't afford to be shy if you want a career in radio. To help redress the balance, Absolute are holding demo open days on 12th and 13th August; click here for more information. Also in this month's podcast: Amazing Radio's Ruth Barnes talks to sports broadcaster Caroline Barker about nearly trashing the BBC radio car, and how Father Christmas compelled her to co-found her production company Jibba Jabba. I hear from BBC 6 Music's Camilla Pia about the scrapping and puzzling that goes on behind the scenes at BBC 6 Music to come up with their diverse playlist. And if you're a paid-up Sound Women member