Sound Women

SWP10: broadcasting to dogs in the night



This month's edition of the Sound Women podcast is an absolute humdinger! In it: • Natalie B, cohost of the Breakfast Show on Heart Four Counties, provides her Survival Guide for doing a breakfast show (spoiler alert! Get a thermos flask, choose your outfits the night before, don't pull sickies, and stay off the booze in the week but GO FOR IT on a Friday night). • Danielle Perry, presenter of Xfm's Evening Show, tells Ruth Barnes about persistence, her dreams of being on a show played in London cabs, and talking to dogs. • Eleanor McDowall from Falling Tree Productions teaches me how she concocts Radio 4's Short Cuts: eavesdropping, embarrassment, not broadcasting anything rude during the school run, and telling stories through toilets. There's also bonus Danielle Perry, discussing music and her own genre 'Topshop indie', for fully paid up Sound Women members in their special Members' Only Clubhouse on the Sound Women website. Want in? Join at Since International Women's Day is