Loving Without Boundaries

Episode 222: Stephanie Chisolm Interview



Stephanie is an aerialist, movement artist and tantric practitioner. She has been a professional performer for 13 years and uses her in depth body knowledge in her tantric work to inspire deep somatic healing in herself and her clients. Stephanie is passionate about discovering freedom through the body, art as a tool for transformation and healing trauma through sound, breath, movement and emotional release. Follow her work and adventures @flystephaniefly @somatichealingembodiment   If you get value out of the Loving Without Boundaries podcast, then consider becoming one of our patrons! Not only will you enjoy exclusive content made just for you, your support will also help us continue creating educational content while helping more people have a deeper understanding of consensual non-monogamy and healthy, sex positive relationships in general. https://www.patreon.com/lovingwithoutboundaries